LEAD Story 348

The 3rd LEAD Mission Council (LM03) meeting was held via video conferencing on November 27, 2020.Those who attended were Mr. Paul Tam (HK), Br. Fermin Martinez (JP), Ms. Coreen Paul (MA), Ms. Christine Soe Hlaing (MM), Jay Gervasio (PH) and Br. Larry Humphrey (SG); not able to join were Mr. Ed Chua (PH) and Mr. John Chakrin Poopirom (TH).

Among the topics discussed were LMC projects and initiatives. Ms. Coreen Paul, Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Committee LEAD CARES, reported that to fulfill the District Council (DC36) resolution to promote and popularize recent Institute documents (Lasallian Mission Moving Forward Plan, Identity Criteria and the Declaration), the LMC is organizing the LEAD CARES (Community Appreciation and Reflective Study, a term borrowed from DLSP's LS CARES) webinars, which will be held on December 9 and 10, 2020 via online video conference. Expected to attend are school leaders, administrators and key stakeholders from most LEAD sectors.

As a response to Brother Visitor's call for a common project that will galvanize the seven sectors to collaborate and act as one District, the LMC is organizing LIVE LEAD, a Young Lasallians Congress to be held from January 23 to March 6, 2021. Some sixty (60) high school or secondary school students in LEAD are expected to participate in six (6) sessions that will culminate in a declaration of the participants' commitment and commissioning rites. LMC initiatives and projects are featured in the LEAD website: LEAD CARES <lasalle-lead.org/leadcares> and LIVE LEAD <lasalle.lead.org/livelead>.

Several other topics and updates were discussed, including formulation of the LMC charter or constitution, the need for functioning sectoral mission councils and a report on the recent Integrity and Safeguarding Board (ISB) webinar. The LMC03 finished with discussion on the Lasallian Reflection No. 6, which had been the inspiration for the opening and closing prayers and the LMC reflection led by Br. Larry Humphrey. The fourth LMC meeting has been scheduled for January 29, 2021. (Text & Photo: Mr. Jay Gervasio)

Moving Ahead in Times of Crisis and Uncertainty (2020 Dec 9)Our Educational Mission and It’s Vitality (2020 Dec 10)

Register: bit.ly/lcwebinars

Visit the LEAD Website for more information: http://lasalle-lead.org/index.php/leadcares

About 60 Lasallians all over the District met once again for the second part of the LEAD Online Community gathering which was held November 13th.

While the first LOC was meant to bring the community together for a meaningful prayer experience, this second LOC was aimed at equipping Lasallians with important tools to help them get by tough situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, a webinar titled “Building Tolerance for Uncertainty” was delivered by Ms. Maria Gilda Miciano, a registered guidance counselor and psychometrician, and a Lasallian herself.

n her talk, she focused on the underlying concepts and effects for quaranxiety and eventually gave tips to help upgrade the attendees’ coping skills. Additionally, the Lasallians had the chance to interact with one another in smaller groups during a 10-minute breakout session.

The next LOC which will be held on January 22nd next year and will feature Br. Armin Luistro FSC to answer questions about the current state of the District as well as some plans for the coming years. (Text: Br. Emong Viroomal FSC; Photos: Br. Antonio Cubillas FSC)

From Ms. Maria Gilda Miciano, facilitator of LOC 2 meeting:

Building tolerance for uncertainty“I” gives emphasis on understanding one's thoughts and emotions and proactively coping through positiveactions. The helpful tips namely, (1) positive self-talk, (2) mindful mantra, (3) turtletechnique, (4) seeking and giving help, and (5) self-care strategies, were given for learning experience to increase self-awareness. Moreover, the "self-care kit" or "tolerance kit" was introduced and the group sharing deepened personalunderstanding. Thus, tolerance is built with recognition of what is at present, strengtheningcoping strategies and commitment to the missionand "When I is replaced with WE, even illness becomes wellness”.

YANGON, MYANMAR - Amidst the pandemic, the De La Salle Brothers in Yangon found a chance to meet together for spiritual and community union. 9 Brothers met together on November 14-15 in the Ady community. The Mass was presided by Fr. Zacharias, the brother of Br. Joseph Aung FSC. The Brothers enjoyed accompanying and encouraging each other.

We thank the LORD for providing us with this wonderful opportunity. We are also grateful to the AD Community for hosting the Brothers from St. Paul’s Community. We hope that St. Paul’s Community will be the host for the next time. Best regards from Yangon, Myanmar! Take care and stay safe! (Text & Photo: Br. Josaphat Ai Saw Hung Htoo FSC)

Excerpts from the Article:

SIBU, MALAYSIA: The late Brother Albinus O’Flaherty, who is the former principal of Sacred Heart Secondary School, will have a road named after him.

The State Government, according to Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) chairman, Clarence Ting, has approved the application of renaming Jalan Oya to Jalan Brother Albinus on Oct 15.

“The portion of the road to be renamed begins from Jalan Oya (KPJ Sibu Specialist) and ends in front of SMK Sacred Heart traffic junction (about 1 km) including its eight lanes,” said Ting.

Source: https://dayakdaily.com/jalan-oya-renamed-after-catholic-religious-brother-albinus-oflaherty/



Centre from left: Mrs Maureen Fitzgerald and Mdm Mak Lai Ying Frances together with the 2020/21 IBDP Scholars

Excerpts from the Article:

MALAYSIA - St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (SJIIM) recently celebrated its fifth batch of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) scholars through a Scholarship Awards Ceremony on 8 October 2020. The event was organized in ‘new normal’ fashion with notable virtual guests such as SJIIM’s Board of Governors, Ms Yap Su-Yin, CEO of the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation and the proud parents of the scholars attending the event via Facebook Live for the very first time in the school’s history.

A proud Lasallian tradition, the IBDP Scholarship Programme is a cornerstone feature of St. Joseph’s Institution International Schools in Singapore and Malaysia. The scholarship programme is now in its fifth cycle and has been supported by many organizations and well-wishers since its inception in 2016 and in particular, the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation who have been significant benefactors of the initiative.

SJIIM’s Head of School, Mdm Mak Lai Ying Frances congratulated the scholars in her speech and presented the certificates personally to them as they were called on stage to receive their Scholarship Award Certificates. It was certainly a surreal ceremonial experience for the scholars as they stood proud on stage while being cheered on physically and virtually by SJIIM’s Board of Governors, Head of School, guests, teachers, parents and students. (Text & Photos: Mr. Neoh Soon Ken)

Click on the link for the full article: https://www.sji-international.edu.my/sjiim-hosts-first-fb-live-scholarship-awards-ceremony/

JAPAN - Since the foundation of the La Salle Gakuen in 1950, then Brother Principal Marcel Petit encouraged the students to share clothing and daily necessities with the poor who were still restarting their lives after the war. These were collected in baskets before Christmas and given to those who needed it. Since its revival in 1993, the Mothers’ Association, PTA and the alumni have supported this student-run project. This annual fundraising and volunteering activity has helped countless local charities and has sustained support to the projects of De La Salle Solidarieta Internazionale ONLUS.

This year, despite the challenges of COVID-19, the students soldiered on showing their commitment to animate the spirit by organizing selling booths and events for their fellow students and teachers. (Text: Br. Aikee Esmeli FSC; Photos: La Salle Japan Facebook Page)

HONG KONG - The College is glad to announce that Chui Tsz Yeung Donald (4G, 2020-21) and his GRUEN Project groupmates from various countries have been awarded the "Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung Honorable Mention" prize. This awardrecognizes the outstandingperformance ofoneselect group from Cycle 2 of GRUEN. The participants would like to thank their Teacher Advisor, Miss Alsace Cheung, for her guidance and support.

Seven boys from Form 3 last year (2019-2020) joined the Green Urban Environment (GRUEN) Project which was held between mid-March and September. GRUEN is a project for secondary school students in Hong Kong, Southeast Asia and Europe that has internationalisation at its heart. The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme of the European Union and organized by the Hong Kong Baptist University in Hong Kong SAR.

Under GRUEN, students use a specially-designed online Moodle workshop to participate in asynchronous online discussions and share their perspectives, exchange ideas, and develop their concepts for a green urban environment while also familiarizing themselves with key sustainability principles and best practices of the EU under the 7th EAP.

The GRUEN website - https://gruencity.wordpress.com

(Text: La Salle College Official Website; Photos: Ms. Alsace Cheung)


PHILIPPINES - Brothers and Lasallians from five (5) different countries got together for 2 days to share conversations on their experiences in the Lasallian Mission and discover what it means to live the values of faith, service, and communion in mission in the world today.

We hope and pray that we will continue to discover what life has in store for us, and to respond to what life calls us to do.

Live Jesus in our hearts, forever! (Text & Photos: Br. Weegee Enriquez FSC)


Vocations Gathering

Vocations Gathering

The LEAD Mission Council (LMC) now has a Facebook Page. The LMC acts as an advisory body to the District Council and the Brother Visitor. Check it out for the latest updates, news, events, and other related activities.

Click on the link https://www.facebook.com/LEADMissionCouncil

Don't forget to Like and Share!

Br. Arian Lopez FSC fondly recalls his experience as being the First Brother of the newly formed District who professed Final Vows; one among the many firsts in his life and the life of LEAD.