LEAD Story 347

On 2020 October 24, 38 LEAD Brothers and Lasallian Partners in 5 different time zones gathered together via Zoom Video Communications to attend the LEAD Integrity and Safeguarding (I&S) Webinar. The objective is to have safety measures that ensure maximum protection of the students, minors, and vulnerable adults entrusted to the care of the Lasallian Institutions and Communities across the 7 Sectors of LEAD.

Br. Ambrose Payne FSC from ANZPPNG District was invited as the resource speaker to share his experience and expertise on the topic. He presented relevant documents concerning safeguarding standards and best practices on the subject matter, together with practical examples, outcomes, and indicators to complement the concepts. Finally, the I&S Skills Matrix was discussed in order to have a better understanding of the ideal member profiles for the proposed Integrity and Safeguarding Board (ISB).

The District Council members, Community Directors, and invited Brothers and Lasallian Partners listened intently to the presentation. Br. Ambrose pointed out the cultural and jurisdictional realities in the seven Sectors of LEAD and advised the Leadership Team to bear this in mind when composing the policies. There was a Q&A portion after each segment and the participants didn't waste time raising valuable questions, which Br. Ambrose zealously responded to.



Based on the evaluation, the webinar garnered an average satisfaction rating of 89% from 32 respondents. The next steps now are for the District to create Action Plans and identify leaders who would do their utmost to ensure that these plans are properly implemented. (Photos: Mr. Jyron Raz)

The severity of the health crisis has affected some sectors more than others. One common element is travel restrictions and social distancing is still very much in place in all of the sectors of LEAD. The LEAD Initial Formation Board (IFB) was planned to be at the La Salle Novitiate in Lipa, Philippines to interact with the novices. Unfortunately, with the restrictions, the IFB schedules in 2020 and the first meetings of 2021 will be conducted online. On 2020 October 17, the IFB had its regular session. The IFB will follow and study the formation process and activities that are happening in these 8 months since the pandemic started to plan for the future of the formation. It will continue with the positive aspects of the online formation and discern how they can continue to be applied in the future. (Text & Photo: Br. Antonio Cubillas FSC)

OZAMIZ CITY, PHILIPPINES – LEAD Visitor Brother Armin Luistro FSC affirmed the chemistry of the Brothers of Ozamiz Community after he asked them to rate their community life during his virtual canonical visit on October 9.

During the community dialogue after all the scheduled individual interviews, the Brothers of Ozamiz Community gave an average rating of 8.8 in their community life and shared events, which they considered blessings. The quality conversation during meals and the musical jamming during socials were identified by the Brothers as their blessings where they could just be comfortable, at ease and be themselves after a busy day’s work.

The Brother Visitor invited the Brothers to bring this gift of community life to a prayer of gratitude and encouraged them to share this gift of fraternal community to the bigger school community and to inspire young men to consider the Brothers’ life.

Br. Armin further invited the community to reflect on the latest Institute document - Reimagining Our Life as Brothers. He encouraged the community to look at the innovations done during this pandemic, to think of new ways of doing things, and to experiment with new ideas of being borderless.

In response to this invitation, the Brothers of Ozamiz Community and the Holy Infancy Brothers Community gathered virtually for socials and watch party on October 17. After some exchanges of “kumustahan”, the two communities, “together and by association”, watched a movie.

The Brothers Community of Ozamiz is committed to share the gift of fraternal community and to continuously reimagine on being a Brother today.” (Text: Br. John David Ong FSC; Photos: Br. Jeano Endaya FSC)


JAPAN - The Hakodate La Salle Rugby Varsity has already a history of over fifty years. The school has boasted about having more clubs than many other university-bound high schools in the country. Obviously, the results are that among the alumni no one has become a professional sports player. Hakodate La Salle Boys join cultural or sports clubs to give them a more balanced student life.

22 years ago, the school opened the junior high section and some of the existing clubs also opened a junior high branch in their clubs. Boys who play for six years on the same sport in their clubs obviously bring new strength to that sport inside the school. The rule is that ordinarily any cultural or sports club members cannot go beyond two hours of training in a day. The obvious reason is simple: they also have to study. Our school is not a sports school!

However, the junior high rugby boys began to mature as they went from becoming the third place in the prefecture (there were only three schools with rugby teams!) and after some years they became “running up-champions”! Now, for several years already they have been “The Number One team” in the prefecture. However, they had so far failed to reach the nationals. From those years of training and as most of the players continue to play rugby as senior high students the big team has become stronger. Five years ago for the first time the team defeated the 15-year-streak prefectural champion and made their first appearance at “Hanazono” in Osaka in 2015. The following year once again the Rugby Boys won their ticket to the Nationals. This autumn, after a gap of two years, once again the name of Hakodate La Salle will be for the third time in the booklet for the National Tournament.

As other varsities in the school, they also keep the golden rule to practice for two hours at most after school. Even if there is rain, wind or snow it does not prevent them from practicing. They play for the love of the game.

Hopefully after COVID-19, one or more teams from within LEAD or PARC could come to Hakodate and establish fraternal bonds through rugby. (Text & Photos: Br. Fermin Martinez FSC)

japan rugby

japan rugby

japan rugby

japan rugby






PHILIPPINES -The coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected the way we live our lives. It has hindered us from meeting physically with our students, partners, family and friends, and even our Brothers. However, this does not and cannot stop us from continuing our growth as Brothers. One venue where we can continue our growth is through the annual Young Brothers Conference (YBC). This year was different as this was done virtually through Zoom. The conference was held last 28 October 2020, and it was headed by the coordinator of the Young Brothers, Br. Mark Salvan FSC.

As Brothers, we have adjusted the way we go about our ministry in these changing times. We learn to innovate to ensure that our educational mission can move forward and continue to shape the lives of people entrusted to our care. As taught during our formative years: learning does not stop, formation does not stop. It simply goes on because it is a lifelong journey and commitment. As we engage in a ministry that continues to evolve, we also adapt to the new circumstances it brings. YBC2020 was a venue to learn more about how to adapt and to respond to this new normal. We may be distant from each other, but our response and our commitment to this journey and this mission goes on, together and by association.

Our speakers for this conference are experts in their respective fields: Atty. Joseph Noel Estrada talked about education and its legal aspects, Dr. Gia Sison is a mental health advocate who talked about education and its impact on mental health, and finally, Mr. Mark Averilla, commonly known for his stage name: Macoy Dubs, is a social media influencer, content creator, and a fellow educator.

In terms of the legal aspects of education, privacy was seen as one of the key issues because of the use of online modalities in teaching and the exposure of the students. Atty Erap was able to address this by emphasizing our role as parents ‘in loco parentis’. It was an invitation for all to be prudent to protect the name of the school, the Brothers, our partners, and our students.

Dr. Gia advocated responses on how to ensure that students’ well-being is also a focus in online learning. This is a mutual responsibility that both the students and the school need to work together to ensure the protection of both parties. The parents should disclose to the school the situation of their child so that the school can have the appropriate response. At the same time, the school must ensure that students have an avenue to express their thoughts and have people trained to address these issues. The school must also promote a work-life balance and advocate mental health to the entire school community. In the end, Dr. Gia acknowledged that every day will be a challenging day and that this pandemic, although it has greatly affected our lives, is but temporary.

Macoy on his part proposed that we use the content we create as our outlet. Similarly, he suggested that the students also use whatever task is given to them as their outlet to express how they feel. Also, he shared with us his experience of being an educator and how to touch ground with the students through different themes such as comedy, sports, pets, fashion, travel, dance, food, and music. This was to ensure that the content is engaging and that the topic is relatable to them. Moreover, a simple follow-up such as ‘How are you’ would go a long way for students and for them to know that there are those that are concerned about their well-being. At the end of his session, he reminded us to remember who we are as a way to ground ourselves to our identity.

Indeed, these sessions on the different aspects of education and how it affects our ministry was helpful for each one of us to navigate our response in this new normal. Until the day we return to our campuses, our classrooms, we have to adapt to these circumstances and to learn about the trends that affect education to ensure our relevance in this ministry. In closing, Br. Robert Schieler FSC reminded us during his 2020 Trinity Sunday message: to always be attentive to the emerging educational dynamics and to seize this moment and make the Gospel as the touchstone for all of our decisions. (Text: Br. Miggy Crisostomo FSC; Photos: Br. Irwin Climaco FSC & Br. Weegee Enriquez FSC)





THAILAND - Thais across the country showed their respect to His Majesty King Bhumibol the Great by building up merit for their beloved monarch, who passed away four years ago and left behind his priceless legacy to the Kingdom of Thailand

People from all corners of the country made merit, did good deeds, volunteered to engage in public work, or gave away free food as their way of honouring the memory of beloved King Rama IX.

The late King demonstrated doing good deeds for the Kingdom to the entire country and never stopped working for the benefit of all Thais.

The beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej's passing on 13 October 2016 brought unity among Thailand's population and embraced their common love for the King, whose generosity, self-sacrifice, wisdom, and grace had touched the hearts of all Thais.

Today, we, La Salle Nakhonsawan Brothers led by Br. Eugene Prapas FSC, the director of the school, teachers, school staff and together with all students showed our gratitude and commemorated our beloved King who was the father of all Thais. (Text & Photos: Br. John Niran Suksankrasin FSC)

Congratulations, Br. Moris, for finishing the Diploma Program in Project Management in De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde!
