The second LEAD Mission Council (LMC02) meeting was held online, on September 18, 2020, due to continuing health and safety concerns and travel restrictions within the District.
The meeting was attended by all LMC members, including two new appointees, Ms. Coreen Paul (MA) and Ms. Christine Soe Hlaing (MM), along with the initial appointees - Mr. Ed Chua (PH), Mr. Jay Gervasio (PH), Br. Larry Humprhey (SG), Br. Fermin Martinez (JP) and Mr. Paul Tam (HK). Unable to attend was Mr. John Chakrin Poopirom (TH).
The LMC is in the process of organizing its first project, LIVE LEAD - an online video-conference for Young Lasallians in the District. It was reported that some sixty students, coordinators and teachers from ten schools in the District are expected to participate. Scheduled in the first quarter of 2021, this project is expected to promote greater collaboration among Lasallian educational institutions and strengthen bond among Lasallian students in the District. (Text & Photo: Mr. Jay Gervasio)