MALAYSIA - On the last day of September, 30th, Malaysia’s sector online assembly started with 6 Lasallian Partners and 18 Brothers, including Brothers Armin, Visitor, Patrick, and Antonio from the leadership team.
Brother Visitor thanked the excellent, committed, and passionate engagement of many Lasallian Partners and Alumni in the rich history of the sector while stressing the importance of Lasallian Partners in their role as collaborators with the Brothers and supporting them in their leadership roles in the future of the Lasallian Mission in Malaysia and LEAD.
On the threshold of the 170th Anniversary of the Lasallian presence in Malaysia, March 2022, our Lasallian partners presented initiatives that contribute to the meaning, purpose, and joy of the Lasallian Mission, past, present, and future. In the context of this Anniversary and to emphasize the Lasallian Heritage in the 39 Lasallian Schools in Malaysia, three main objectives were identified: 1) put forward and emphasize the Lasallian ethos in each of the schools’ celebrations; 2) Organize Lasallian formation sessions for all students and teachers, and 3) prepare action plans by answering the question of how the Lasallian Mission can build new paths to transform lives after 170 years.
La Salle Center in Ipoh, at the heart of the Lasallian formation, especially for the young, presented the main areas of their mission of building and developing programs, communications, collaboration, and partnership with external organizations. One of the key concerns is how to respond to the challenges of sustainability, viability, and succession planning towards their future in the context of the Lasallian Mission.
The Malaysia Lasallian Educational Council, in its journey of renewal, presented the new organizational chart that will prioritize the collaboration of the five local Lasallian Educational councils with the other local and sector organizations. To foster the Lasallian Ethos in the schools, they will implement the adapted Lasallian Identity Criteria in the fourth quarter.
The Revitalization Project involves the Brothers, Lasallian Partners, and selected external partners to revitalize Lasallian Schools under the Ministry of Education after the changes in the 1970s and ’80s. Working together with the Education Ministry, this project is a concrete response to emphasize our Lasallian charism by taking direct leadership in the school which would become private, without government funds. Two Lasallian schools have been earmarked for the pilot project.
In the last part of the Assembly, the Brothers shared their mission and life. Finally, they were invited to contribute to the reflection of the 46th General Chapter as a sector of LEAD.
Special thanks to Br. Edmon Viroomal FSC, who took the minutes of the Assembly. (Text & Photos: Br. Antonio Cubillas FSC)