M A L AY S I A - T h i s t a l k w a s c o n d u c t e d b y M r. R a y m o n d Miranda who is a story expert, narrative researcher, and global speaker who spent 14 years s t u d y i n g , r e s e a r c h i n g , a n d teaching storytelling in the US. He returned to Malaysia to be CEO of Enfiniti Vision Media. His passion for exploring the intersection between story, innovation and future thinking has taken him all over the world.
An old boy of La Salle Sentul himself, he was more than happy to be able to share his knowledge and experience with fellow Lasallians.
Here is a reflection from one of the participants, Michael Xavier Woon.
Why do we need to be mindful of ‘Stories’ in our lives? We are called to be whole by creating meaning out of the randomness of chaos and daily chunking of noise - often robbing us of our peace. Stories rejuvenate us to move directions, bridge fragmented worlds by gathering happy points towards self actualisation.
The Story of De La Salle as our inspiration is beautifully illustrated in the “7 Stages of Storytelling”.
- Breaking of Ritual
- Loop of Fear
- “What If” moment into Inspiration
- Innovation Momentum
- The Battle
- The Leap
- The Leader
The Hero's journey is your own story. A collective of shared s t o r i e s t h u s b e c o m e s a community’s shared journey. What is your story? (Text & Photos: Ms. Coreen Paul)