How do I find the right words to accurately encapsulate the experience?
It was an eventful 2 week journey which continues till today as fellow participants keep in touch and continue to support each other.
The 10 days of the program were intense and rewarding. They were filled with personal reading time, engaging in conversations with fellow participants, sharing insights, debating ideas, and clarifying questions. Those classroom sessions brought the autobiographies of De La Salle to life for me. The letters our founder wrote were shared and read together in a way that was captivating and provided new and different perspectives on the founder, his life, his relationship with his brothers and the people around him.
I haven’t enjoyed reading in such a long time. Now I understand why people join book clubs!
Apart from the serious study, we prayed together, ate together, danced together, and had dedicated time for personal and quiet reflection.
The program brought together like-minded people who shared a common identity and passion for learning, teaching and reaching out to those in need. To me, Buttimer is a program for any Lasallian who wants to deepen their understanding and appreciation for the founder, the mission and whilst being immersed in an environment that supports learning. (Text & Photos: Ms. Coreen Paul)
Find out more about the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies : https://lasallian.info/ programs-events/ buttimer/