Dawn of Hope
I was coping with losing Mama when I got a call from a Couples for Christ family who adopted me like an eldest son. Mommy Lally told me that she had a gift for me and assured me I would love it. She told me to visit their house (where I used to live for 2 years before joining the Brothers) and check out the gift. So when I visited them, Daddy Didi and Mommy Lally showed me their gift: a tiny black lab. I was so happy with the gift. She was born early in the morning of December 8, 2020. I named her, Dawn.
She had to stay with them until she was ready for rehoming. Unfortunately, she had to be hospitalized due to canine parvovirus. Thank God she survived. And true to her nature, she’s a source of hope for me and I can say the Brothers Community too. She’s playful and intelligent. Occasionally, she wrecks stuff here and there but she also knows when I am upset or when she did something not right.
Dawn loves visitors. She welcomes them with much gusto. The campus is her playground whenever it is the weekend. I’m thankful to the Escudero family for Dawn. She reminds me of what hope is: when cared for, it will grow. Just like our faith. Just like our vocation.