PHILIPPINES - Br. Armin Luistro FSC, the Brother Visitor of the Lasallian East Asia District (LEAD), graced the La Salle Bacolod Brothers Community (LSBBC) with his online presence during his virtual canonical visit held last March 1 - March 5, 2021.
Aside from his interviews with each Brother of the LSBBC, the Brother Visitor also facilitated a community dialogue where he focused mainly on the innovative and creative responses made by the Brothers and Lasallian Partners during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The live stream of the community prayers and masses, the launch of Sentrál (LSBBC’s digital newsletter), and the creation of different prayer groups led by Brothers, among others, were highlighted.
Further, recommendations were made on the varying aspects of the Brother’s vocation - from the spiritual and community life of the Brothers, ministry, and vocation promotion down to the practical concerns of the Brothers related to utilities (the necessity of high-speed internet connection), health and wellness, and further studies.
At the end of his virtual canonical visit, Br. Armin challenged the Brothers to continue reimagining the Lasallian mission and discerning new forms of its expression today.
May the Lord, especially during this Lenten season, give us the grace “to open our minds and our hearts to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, [the] One who leads us always to fuller life and deeper love.” (Text & Photo: Br. Mico de Leon FSC)